Every Sunday between 9am-12pm at the A&P Showgrounds (View our current guidelines)
Our honey journey started when we decided that we would like to target Lavender honey.
Having been commercial growers & distillers, we have about 3000 lavender plants in our lavender field and knowing how much the bees love the flowers thought it would be great to be able to harvest some lavender honey.
However, as the lavenders are in flower for only a few months, bees also make honey before and after the season, so we also now have “seasonal honeys” to cover those other harvest months also.
We have included a vintage on the label because we know that just like wine; honey varies from vintage to vintage depending on the weather and what plants are flowering for that season. This allows for a comparison by the discerning consumer.
Lothlorien Lavender Honeys are Single origin – (sourced from one apiary site - our property on the lower Wairau Plains). Raw, 100% pure, filtered, no heat treatment, naturally crystallising.
They are all essentially Multifloral blends, naturally produced by our Bees, with the Pollens & Nectars varying from year to year.
Lothlorien Lavender Products.
Lothlorien Lavender Products are also “only sourced” from our property on the lower Wairau Plains.
All are 100% pure, Steam Distilled Essential Oils & Hydrosols. Dried & Fresh Flowers (seasonally dependant), along with our own farm produce & hand woven items. We enjoy the rural lifestyle that Marlborough can distinctly provide.
Les and Lyn